EDT Committee: Call for Nominations

The EDT Committee is looking for three additional members to join the committee. If you are interested in serving the MRSA in this capacity and have an interest in Education, Development and Training, please consider joining the team. Committee service offers opportunities for staff to grow personally and professionally, to… more

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Revenue Model Change: Ballot Result

Dear Colleagues, The ballot to change the revenue model was unsuccessful. Please see the results below: Turnout: 373 (58.3%) of 640 electors voted in this ballot. Are you for or against the proposed change to the fee structure for dues? Option Votes I am against the change. 195 (52.3%) I am… more

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Revenue Model Change Ballot

Dear Colleagues, The Revenue Model Change Ballot is underway. An email was sent at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, October 24 from Simply Voting via the MRSA email account. The email included a link to the online voting site, your elector ID, and password. Please cast your ballot for or against… more

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Revenue Model Change

Dear MRSA Colleagues, The MRSA’s mandate is to consider the collective when making decisions that affect membership. After strong consideration and extensive research, the MRSA executive board is proposing the following changes to the revenue model: The structure: 0.8% effective July 1, 2019, then 0.9% effective July 1, 2020, then… more

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Revenue Model Change Town Hall

Good morning, The MRSA Executive is holding two Town Hall sessions in Y224 to present the proposed change to the dues revenue model: Tuesday, Oct 9 from 12-1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct 10 from 1-2 p.m. During the sessions, the MRSA Audit & Finance Committee will address the need for a Strike/Lock-out… more

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