Education, Development and Training (EDT)

This Committee is responsible for determining the allocation of funds provided by MRU, for reimbursement of approved  tuition/fees for members who have participated in education, development and/or training activities, as per the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement . In addition, the Committee is responsible for determining the allocation of funds provided by MRU to the dependents/spouse of members, as per the Collective Agreement.

Committee Membership
 Five (5) to seven (7) elected members. 

Roles and Responsibilities
Ensure equity and adhere to timeliness in the allocation and distribution of funds to applicants

Ensure all applications are checked, reviewed and processed based on current EDT guidelines

Ensure all EDT guidelines, policies and procedure are kept current based on the Collective Agreement

EDT guidelines, policies and procedures are developed in a joint committee with MRU

The Committee is responsible to provide reporting on an annual basis to the Executive Director and MRU HR, as per the terms of the Collective Agreement.  

Reporting may include information, discussion, resourcing and budgeting needs, including recommendations for enhancement/improvements to support EDT funding for the membership.

Level of Authority
For regular actions related to the allocation of funds, this committee works independently within the parameters of the EDT Guidelines and FAQ, and has authority to make decisions for reimbursements. 

This is an operational committee reporting to the Executive Director.  Therefore, authority to take action is dependent upon the Executive Director’s authority and approval.

The Executive Director will provide approval to action the committee’s suggestions, plans and/or activities as these activities fall within the operational programs and/or services offered by the MRSA. The Executive Director will likely take the committee’s suggestions.

For step-by-step instructions to apply for funding, please refer to the EDT Guidelines and FAQ.

Executive Board Approved: September 25, 2024

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