
Mandate: The Governance Committee is entrusted with reviewing, revising, and drafting the governing documents of the MRSA to meet the needs of the collective. In addition, the Committee will ensure that all policies and procedures are up to date, and are in alignment with the Constitution and internally with other documents. Recommendations made by the Committee are non-binding and will be reviewed by the Executive for approval.  


  • Chair, will be an Executive Board member
  • Three (3) MRSA members 
  • MRSA President (Ex Officio)
  • The committee is supported by the MRSA Executive Assistant and the Labour Relations Officer

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Meet twice a month, or more if needed
  • Develop, review and revise the governing documents of the organization for consistency with applicable laws, and actual or desired organizational practices; and make recommendations to the Executive Board for approval
  • Guide effective oversight and thoughtful planning of governing documents of the MRSA, including adherence to the MRSA’s strategic plan
  • Steward and maintain all governing documents of the MRSA and to ensure internal consistency with all documents
  • Support the MRSA’s strategic planning process, on an as needed basis
  • Review and update committee Terms of Reference on an annual basis


  • The Chair of the Governance Committee reports to the MRSA Executive Committee on an as needed basis.

Level of Authority:

  • Active Advisor: The committee investigates and suggests action. The Board will likely take the committee’s suggestions.

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