MRSA Movie Night: Oct. 15, 2020

Dear colleagues, Join us from your home and let’s all ‘go’ to the movies! Movie: Stan & OllieGoogle Meet Time: 7:15 p.m. (the meeting link has been emailed to staff)Movie Start: 7:30 p.m.Watch the movie with us, we’ll stream it, but you can also log into the Library website to start the movie at the… more

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Member Dues Vote Result

Dear MRSA members, A HUGE thank you for your engagement, questions, and comments over the last few weeks regarding our dues amendment. Thanks to you, we have successfully passed the motion to amend our dues to 1.1% which will also include casual staff.  Close to 80% of our membership took… more

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Fall EDT Application Period Now Open: Off Campus Recreation Courses Now Eligible

Dear colleagues,  If you have any professional or personal development courses that begin between September 1 – December 31, you can apply for funding through the MRSA EDT Committee.  Applications are submitted via the EDT database. The fall application period closes on November 15. New this semester:Effective as of the fall semester, EDT funding of recreation… more

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Government Amendments to Layoff Period

Your MRSA Executive Board wanted to update you on recent legislative changes to the layoff provisions in Alberta’s Employment Standards Code. On June 26, 2020, Bill 24: the COVID-19 Pandemic Response Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 became law in Alberta. This Bill amends the temporary layoff provisions in Alberta’s Employment Standards Code once again, this time… more

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Announcement Regarding Abolishments

Dear Colleagues, The Alberta government has announced plans to reduce funding to the province’s 26 post-secondary institutions by 20 per cent in the next three years.Citing a 2019 review of Alberta’s spending, the provincial government cut funding to the ministry of advanced education by six per cent for the coming… more

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