MRSA President’s message regarding PSE cuts

The MRSA understands that political decisions can have significant impacts on MRSA members and their work, and that it is our responsibility to work within the political system to influence decisions affecting MRSA and its members.  To that point, we have created a Non-Partisan Policy which speaks to the importance of working as a collective unit to  participate in or coordinate campaigns to advocate and educate in the best interests of MRSA and its members.

Public Interest Alberta (PIA), is a non-profit, non-partisan, province-wide organization focused on education and advocacy on public interest issues. PIA exists to foster an understanding of the importance of public spaces, services and institutions in Albertans’ lives, and to build a network of people and organizations committed to advancing the public interest. 
PIA is organizing a StopPSECuts campaign framework. The main “asks” of this campaign are:

  • an immediate freeze on the support staff layoffs and a return to reasonable support staff levels;
  • an end to the hiring freeze of tenure track professors and an end to sessional instructors’ permanent precarity;  
  • to stop further budget cuts on post secondary education for the coming budget year, including the planned cuts to operating grants;
  • to stop the drastic tuition increases and, in future, cap tuition increases at the Consumer Price Index;
  • the removal of performance-based funding metrics.

How can YOU take action and support these “asks”? 

  • You can submit a letter calling on the government to reverse the cuts to our post secondary education system. This letter will be sent to Advanced Minister of Advanced Education, Nicolaides, Premier Kenney and your local MLA;
  • Attend the drive by picket on Jan. 30. 
  • Depart from Lot 10 (University of Calgary) at 1:00pm
  • Arrive at the Minister’s office (6307 Bowness Road, NW) at approx.1:10pm
  • Continue to circle the block for 10 minutes
  • Conclude the event around 1:20 – 1:30pm

This statement of support was forwarded to the MRFA to highlight the impact such cuts will (continue to) have on the support staff of MRSA.
Please participate and say STOP THE CUTS!!

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