Reminder: Winter EDT Application Period Closes on March 15

Good afternoon,

If you have any professional or personal development courses that begin between January 1 – April 30, you can apply for funding through the MRSA EDT Committee. 

Applications are submitted via the EDT database. The winter application period closes on March 15.

Please note: Changes were made to EDT policies to provide greater flexibility to our membership. A summary of changes can be found below. More details on each of these changes can be found on the EDT website GUIDELINES, POLICY, and FAQs pages.

  • The Professional application maximum dollar payout is now $3,000 per application (note that 100% reimbursement may not be possible. The amount reimbursed depends on: the number of applications submitted, the amounts requested, and the amount allocated to funding period)
  • PILOT PROGRAM: Travel and accommodations expenses
    • Professional activities eligible
    • Transportation costs:
      • Flights, trains, buses, and mileage eligible for reimbursement
      • Maximum of $1500 CAD return
      • Local transportation (transit/mileage in Calgary or at event) and parking costs are not included in eligibility
    • Accommodations expenses
      • Up to $200 CAD per eligible night
      • Eligible nights include each night of the event and night before and after the event if used
    • Detailed receipts are required for travel and accommodations costs.  Screen shot estimates may be used only as placeholders for events taking place after the application period has closed; receipts need to be combined with other required documentation and added to the application before it will be processed

Please contact the EDT Committee at with any questions or if you would like assistance in submitting applications.
Thank you,

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