MRSA General Meeting

The MRSA held their General Meeting on Thursday, May 21, 2015 in the Lincoln Park Room (J301) from 11:30-12:30 pm to present the new Executive Board and the 2015-2016 Budget. We had a good turn out and look forward to seeing you all at the AGM in the fall.

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Potluck with the Presidents!

On January 21, 2015 from noon-1 pm please join Presidents David Docherty and Baset Zarrug for the 4th Annual Presidents’ Potluck Lunch.  This yummy event will be held in our Staff Lounge (W305). Last year there were amazing and creative dishes provided but the best part was the multitude of leftovers! Please feel free to… more

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Monster Bash – A Success!

Thanks to everyone who was involved with making Monster Bash such a success! 250 people enjoyed chili, buns, pumpkin pie, ice cream and Pepsi products.  The costumes were fabulous and the entertainment value was priceless! Congrats to Kim Marchand for being the lucky 50/50 prize winner! MRSA “Skeleton Crew”.

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