Category: Announcement
MRSA Coffee Chat: Oct 29 | 10-10:30 a.m.
Join available MRSA Executive for coffee and conversation on Tuesday, October 29 from 10-10:30 a.m. in the staff lounge (W305). Trika Macdonald, AVP, HR, will be our guest.
Halloween Costume Contest
2020 MRSA Negotiations Committee
We are pleased to announce that the following candidates have been elected by acclamation: Negotiations Committee (For the duration of the next round of negotiations) Alena Boczek Danny Grant Brad Heintz Michelle LoGullo Thank you to all who participated in the nomination process and to the above candidates for your commitment to strengthening our Association… more
Welcome Back Popcorn Party!
Canada Day Celebration: June 28
MRSA/BOG Collective Agreement: Ratification Announcement
On behalf of Baset Zarrug, President, Mount Royal Staff Association and Sue Mallon, Chair of the Board of Governors, Mount Royal University On behalf of the Mount Royal Staff Association (MRSA) and Mount Royal University (University) Board of Governors, we are pleased to inform you that a new Collective Agreement… more
2019 Collective Agreement Ratification Vote Result
Here is the result of the 2019 Collective Agreement Ratification Vote: Turnout: 414 (66.3%) of 624 electors voted in this ballot. Proposed 2019 Collective Agreement Option Votes Yes, I accept 324 (78.3%) No, I reject 90 (21.7%) Thank you for your participation.
2019 Collective Agreement Proposal & Ratification Vote Details
Dear MRSA members, Your colleagues on the Negotiations Committee are pleased to advise that we have arrived at a tentative agreement with the Management Negotiations Committee acting on behalf of the Board of Governors. Three information sessions have been scheduled: Tuesday, June 4 12-1 p.m. Y224 Monday, June 1012-1 p.m.Y224… more
Reminder: Spring EDT Application Period Closes Tomorrow
Dear colleagues, If you have any professional or personal development courses that begin between May 1 – June 30, and you have passed your probationary period, you can apply for funding through the MRSA EDT Committee. Applications are submitted via the EDT database. The spring application period closes on May 31. If you have… more