We’re Hiring!
The MRSA Executive Board is currently seeking a Labour Relations Officer. More information on this key role and links to apply can be found here.
The MRSA Executive Board is currently seeking a Labour Relations Officer. More information on this key role and links to apply can be found here.
Dear colleagues, Executive Board and Committee service offers opportunities for staff to grow personally and professionally, to develop leadership skills, gain unique experience, and make lasting connections with colleagues across campus. If you are looking to broaden your MRU experience, the MRSA has a role for you! Help strengthen the… more
Dear colleagues, If you have any professional or personal development courses that begin between May 1 – June 30, you can apply for funding through the MRSA EDT Committee. Applications are submitted via the EDT database. The spring application period closes on May 31.If you have any questions, please contact the EDT Committee at edtmrsa@mtroyal.ca
Dear colleagues, The Governance Committee along with the MRSA Executive Board want to give a big shout out of appreciation to all of our members who cast a ballot in the Constitution Amendments vote.You did it! We reached over the 50% of members casting a ballot for a valid vote and you… more
Hello MRSA members, This is a reminder of the Special General Meeting (SGM) scheduled for the Wed., March 24 at 11:30 a.m. You are invited to attend, or watch the live stream, of the SGM where the Executive Board approved amendments to our current Constitution will be presented in order to facilitate ongoing business… more
Dear colleagues, Please join us on March 10 at 11:30 a.m. via Google Meet as we present four (4) proposed Constitutional Amendments for your review and consideration. The coffee chat has been scheduled to allow further conversation and dialogue over the lunch hour, if necessary. Information on the proposed Constitutional Amendments can… more
We would like to thank those of you who were able to attend the MRSA Orientation on March 2, 2021. If you are new to Mount Royal or have many years of service, we hope you found the session to be both useful and informative. If you have any concerns, questions,… more
Employees working from home due to COVID-19 may be able to claim a deduction for expenses incurred during 2020. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has simplified the process by introducing a new temporary flat rate method for employees who have worked more than 50% of the time from home for a period… more
Dear MRSA members, The Public Interest Alberta (PIA) PSE Task Force is launching an online photo petition campaign. Participants are being asked to print off the “Support Our Colleges and Universities” sign, take a picture of themselves holding it, write a caption about why PSE matters to them and finish it off with the hashtag… more
The MRSA understands that political decisions can have significant impacts on MRSA members and their work, and that it is our responsibility to work within the political system to influence decisions affecting MRSA and its members. To that point, we have created a Non-Partisan Policy which speaks to the importance of working as a… more