MRSA Collective Bargaining Survey 2017

Dear Colleagues,

The current collective agreement between the MRSA and the MRU Board of Governors expires June 30, 2017. Negotiations for the new collective agreement will begin in January 2017. In preparation, your colleagues on the Negotiations committee are seeking your input on what you feel is important and should be addressed during the upcoming round of negotiations.

The survey was sent to your mtroyal email account on Oct. 24.  Please set aside 15-20 minutes to complete. The survey will remain open for responses until 4:30 p.m. on November 7.

PLEASE NOTE: This survey must be completed online in one sitting. You will not be able to open this survey more than once. You may use the library computers if needed.

Be assured that all responses will be kept in the strictest confidence. Reporting of data will be in aggregate only and no individual responses will be identified.

Your participation is essential to the bargaining process; please encourage your colleagues to complete this important survey too.

Thank you for ongoing support of the Association.

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