Labour Relations

Committee Name: Labour Relations Committee

Mandate/General Purpose:
The function of the Labour Relations Committee (LRC) is to oversee the labour relations functions of the Mount Royal Staff Association (MRSA). The Labour Relations Committee’s role also includes support of collective bargaining negotiations with the MRU Board of Governors. The Committee is granted the right to address members’ concerns on behalf of the Executive.

Chair: Labour Relations Officer
Vice President
One (1) Executive member

Roles and Responsibilities:
Respond to all MRSA member inquiries of concern related to labour relations and human rights in the workplace.

Support the MRSA President in responding to labour relations needs of the MRSA.

Maintain and develop processes to ensure MRSA’s duty of fair representation is upheld.

Discuss, review and develop strategies to support the full actualization and enforcement of the collective agreement.

Provide representation as per the Collective Agreement and Alberta Labour Relations Code requirements in accordance with the MRSA representational model.

Ensure appropriate training for committee members, which may include attendance at labour relations and employment conferences.

Take updates and reporting from the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee and Classification Committee and support any needs of those representatives.

Provide support to any of the standing committees of the MRSA with regards to collective agreement enforcement, application and interpretation.

Maintain records of representational activities of the MRSA and to provide reports to the Executive.

Reports shall be provided in alignment with Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) requirements and individual cases shall remain confidential to the committee.

The committee meets monthly, and on an ad hoc basis, as needed.

The Committee shall develop a budget for expected annual expenditures, for approval of the Executive. If expenditures are in excess of budget, those shall require additional Executive approval.

Within the approved budget, the Committee will be able to purchase/commit to services in order to meet the stated purposes of the Committee mandate and responsibilities.

The Labour Relations Officer performs the majority of the work/responsibilities delineated above.

Executive committee members are advisory and when required provide direct representation to the membership.

The Chair provides regular updates to the Executive members of this committee, and on an as needed basis, for information, discussion and action.

The Chair provides regular updates to the Executive Board for information purposes.

The Chair provides bi-annual reports for the general membership for information purposes.

The Chair will create notes from regular committee meetings. These are held in the Committee Notes folder.

Level of Authority:
Active Agent: The committee takes action; the Executive Board can later formally approve the action taken.

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