Save our CPP!

Here’s your chance to let the UCP know how you really feel about the planned CPP withdrawal.
Here are three things you can do today! 

Public Interest Alberta is a non-profit, non-partisan, province-wide organization focused on education and advocacy on public interest issues. PIA exists to foster an understanding of the importance of public spaces, services and institutions in Albertans’ lives, and to build a network of people and organizations committed to advancing the public interest.

Our CPP  is under attack and we need to save it.

Here are three things you can do today!

1) Learn the facts about CPP with our three fact sheets written by Albertan pension experts with decades of experience, and share them with your friends and family.

2) Download our official petition, print it out, and send the original signed petitions to Public Interest Alberta, 12323 Stony Plain Rd #604, Edmonton, AB T5N 3Y5.

3) Send a one click letter to the Premier, Finance Minister, Finance critic, and your local MLA telling them to save our CPP!

Big Risks, No Rewards – Debunking the Alberta Gov. Plan to Secede from the CPP
AFL Letter Petition to MLA

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