Hello MRSA members,
This is a reminder of the Special General Meeting (SGM) scheduled for the Wed., March 24 at 11:30 a.m.
You are invited to attend, or watch the live stream, of the SGM where the Executive Board approved amendments to our current Constitution will be presented in order to facilitate ongoing business strategies and planning for our Association, and a formal call to vote will be announced.
This SGM requires a minimum turnout of at least 50 members (not including MRSA Executive Board) in order to proceed with the meeting, so please make time in your day to attend and hear the Constitutional Amendments.
Information on the Constitutional Amendments can be found in the powerpoint presentation and briefing document and links to both have been emailed to members together with a link to submit questions for the Executive Board ahead of, and during, the SGM.
Links to attend the meeting, or view the live stream have been emailed to members. If you are unable to join us, the meeting will be recorded and a link will be made available to staff.
The meeting is for MRSA members only. You may join the meeting or access the live stream link using your @mtroyal.ca account.
Your participation and your voice matters. Please attend the SGM to hear the rationale for these important amendments.
The MRSA Constitutional Amendments ballot opens on Thursday, March 25.
Based on how our current Constitution is written, following the SGM we will require a minimum of 50% of our membership to cast ballots in order to implement the amendments. Our current membership tally is approximately 730 (including casual staff) so we will require approximately 365 members to cast ballots in order to even start the counting.
You will receive an email on Thursday at 9 a.m. from Simply Voting via the MRSA email account. The email will include a link to the online voting site, your elector ID, and password. Once logged in, you will be able to view the four (4) proposed amendments and cast your vote to approve or oppose each amendment. The ballot will close at 4 p.m. on March 31.
If you have any questions or concerns, or if you do not receive the electronic ballot email, please contact the MRSA office.
Thank you.