2018 General Election Announcement

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the following candidates for the upcoming general election:

Executive Board: Director at Large (four members: two-year terms 2018-20)

Shweta Chugh
Charissa Hovdebo
Pamela Karlenzig
Crystal Koch
Rona Reitsema

An online election will take place from 9 a.m. Thursday, May 10 to 4 p.m. Friday, May 11.

Results will be shared on Monday, May 14.

We are also pleased to announce that the following candidates have been elected by acclamation:

Executive Board

Baset Zarrug: President (2018-20)
Karen Hiebert: Vice-President (2018-20)
Nadine Conklin: Vice-President (2018-19)
Fatima Dhooma: Director-at-Large (2018-19)

No nominations were received for the role of Treasurer (2018-19)

EDT Committee (two-year terms 2018-20)
Pam Jonnson
Samantha Sadler
Wendy Witczak

Sandra-Lee Scalia (one-year term 2018-19)

Negotiations Committee (For the duration of the next round of negotiations)
Noah Arney
Tammy Cross
Robert Spencer
Brian Weaver

Thank you to all who participated in the nomination process, and to our existing Executive Board and Committee members for your ongoing commitment to strengthening our Association and representing MRSA members.



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