Constitutional Amendment Vote: March 27 & 28

Dear Colleagues:

The Constitutional Amendment vote is underway.

An email was sent at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, March 27 from Simply Voting via the MRSA email account. The email included a link to the online voting site, your elector ID, and password.

Please cast your ballot to accept or reject the following motion to amend the Constitution:

The original reads:

  • 8.04 Candidates for the positions of President, Vice-Presidents and Treasurer/Secretary must have served a minimum of one (1) year as a representative on the Executive.

The suggested revisions are:

  • 8.04 Candidates for the position of President must have served a minimum of one (1) year as a representative on the Executive.
  • 8.05 Candidates for the position of Vice President are recommended to have served a minimum of one (1) year as a representative on the Executive.
  • 8.06 Candidates for the position of Treasurer are recommended to have served a minimum of one (1) year as a representative on the Executive, and Accounting and/or Financial experience will be considered an asset.

If you did not receive the electronic ballot email, please contact the MRSA office. The vote will close at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28; results will be shared on Thursday, March 29.

In order for the motion to pass, at least 50% of the membership is required to vote and 50% plus one (1) of the ballots cast must vote in favour.  If the motion does not carry, the Constitution will remain as is for the May general election. 

Thank you,

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