Jan. 24, 2022
The MRU Coalition Committee brings together the representatives of the MRFA, MRSA and SAMRU. These committee members are aware that collective bargaining between the University’s Board of Governors and the Mount Royal Faculty Association has been underway for over two years and that both parties are now preparing to engage in a formal mediation process under the Alberta Labour Code.
We express apprehension that should the formal mediation process not produce a new agreement, Mount Royal University could see the first work stoppage in its history. We are acutely aware that a work stoppage, through either a strike or a lockout, may result in long lasting harm to the campus community.
We are concerned about the adversity of a work stoppage specifically on students, who have already had to deal with the effects of the pandemic, and the impact on staff employees who may have to cross picket lines.
The MRU Coalition is certain both parties want to arrive at a new collective agreement. We also know that a work stoppage will have negative effects on all parties. We therefore urge both parties and their teams to use the formal mediation process to find common ground on the issues that divide them.