As your MRSA Executive, we want to reach out to you and acknowledge the frustration, confusion and bewilderment that many of you, like us, may be feeling.
We are patiently waiting for direction from our senior leadership on “what now”. We want to recognize what an extremely difficult situation MRU administration is facing with the sudden business/operations restrictions due to the ‘State of Emergency’ that the Government of Alberta (GOA) has declared. They are working hard to determine next steps for us as a community. We wish to further validate the pressure and stress this crisis has also created for students and faculty and offer our ongoing support to them within a collegial coalition.
We want to assure you that we are tireless in our efforts to be informed and included in the decisions that are being made regarding working, learning and living on campus. We will communicate any updated information to you as soon as possible. We thank you for your continued resilience and hard work in the face of uncertainty. While we are aware that some employees have been very happy to return to campus, we know many of you have indicated your concerns with being vulnerable to exposure and transmission of illness while being on campus. Based on what our employer determines regarding returning to work, we will communicate further in response to your safety concerns.
Please be advised that the MRSA has physically closed our offices as per the directive from our employer and the GOA. We are available via email so please reach out if you would like to discuss any concerns or questions you may have. We are available to meet with you remotely or speak to you by phone.
On behalf of the MRSA Executive, including Christine Pepper and Laine Fowler, please continue to take care of yourselves. These are very difficult times and we continue to advocate for your option and the Alberta Government recommendation to work remotely where possible. And please be kind to each other in the MRSA community.