Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the following candidates for the upcoming general election:
Executive Board
Board of Governors Representative (one member: two-year term 2019-21)
Donna Palmer
Sarah Rude
Director at Large (four members: two-year terms 2019-21)
Lanny Anderson
Heather Evans
Roselle Gonsalves
Michelle LoGullo
Victor Mah
Gianni Pangratis
EDT Committee (three members: two-year terms 2019-21)
Marc Dobie
Jessica Lee Wah
Debbie Mork
Andrew Vespa
The nomination campaign statements have been emailed to members for review.
An online election will take place from 9 a.m., Thursday, May 9 to 4 p.m., Friday, May 10.
Results will be shared on Monday, May 13.
We are also pleased to announce that the following candidates have been elected by acclamation:
Executive Board
Nadine Conklin: Vice-President (2019-21)
No nominations were pursued for the role of Treasurer (2019-21)
EDT Committee (one-year term 2019-20)
Jody Jones
Thank you to all who participated in the nomination process, and to our existing Executive Board and Committee members for their ongoing commitment to representing MRSA members and strengthening our Association.