Revenue Model Change

Dear MRSA Colleagues,

The MRSA’s mandate is to consider the collective when making decisions that affect membership. After strong consideration and extensive research, the MRSA executive board is proposing the following changes to the revenue model:

The structure:

  • 0.8% effective July 1, 2019, then

  • 0.9% effective July 1, 2020, then

  • 1.0% effective July 1, 2021

  • To reach a goal of a 1 million dollar Defense fund in a reasonable amount of time.

Why we are doing it?

  • Sustainability: Moving to a percentage based revenue model (as opposed to the current flat rate) ensures the MRSA’s sustainability against increasing expenses.

  • Strength: We understand that this is going to cost more for some and less for others. The consideration and deliberate structure of a gradual increase (see slide deck) ensures that members are able to prepare and budget accordingly. It is important to note that all dues are partly offset by a tax deduction.

  • Equity: This percentage model is fair and equitable to all members; the current fixed rate model is not.

  • Responsibility: Given the current complex climate (i.e. changes in legislation*, campus management, as well as economic, political and legal challenges etc.), the MRSA must strengthen our ability to negotiate effectively, protect the interest of our membership (ex. Collective Agreement), and support our members in the case of a strike or lockout.

Uncertainty is not a reason to remain static, but demonstrates the need to strengthen our organization for the future. Being a part of the MRSA has guaranteed all members the unique and customized benefits negotiated over the past 40 years which we are committed to preserving.

This email is to communicate with membership the impetus behind this proposed change to the revenue model. The executive board of the MRSA is happy to answer any questions. To provide the opportunity to engage with members, the MRSA will be holding two Coffee Chats in the staff lounge in Room W305:

  • October 17 from 9 – 10 a.m.

  • October 22 from 2 – 3 p.m.

Voting will be conducted online on October 24 and 25.
This vote is based on plurality.

We thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours collectively,


MRSA Executive Board

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